Stalkers blur the lines between fact and fiction. They usually have repetitive thought patterns that play like a broken record, so they gradually become so preoccupied with their target, they’re unable to sleep, forget to eat, and let their jobs go to the wayside. Stalkers are often obsessive in multiple areas of their life including their romantic inclinations. Their fear of abandonment doesn’t allow them to reason, so it’s impossible to let them down easy. Stalkers see themselves as the victims of being led on or toyed with. Whether the rejection is real or merely perceived by the stalker it comes as a critical blow. But, thanks to researchers we now know motivating factors that drive some people to stalk. In many cases, stalking begins at the end of a relationship, however, t here is no perfect science to determine who will or won’t become a stalker. Muller in his article, Mind of a Stalker. If these methods of contact are ineffective “the individual may escalate to more intrusive behaviors such as spying on, and unexpectedly confronting their victims,” said Robert T. Stalkers may begin their harassment by repeatedly calling or contacting their target via email and social media but it doesn’t always end there. The following information was gathered from that handbook to provide a captivating glance into the mind of a stalker. In 1999, the Stalking Resource Center published a handbook about stalking with fascinating facts that uncover what motivates someone to harass another person. each year and 3 out of 10 of those people report experiencing emotional and psychological harm as a result.

Stalking affects 6.6 million people in the U.S. Each scenario with a stalker may differ (from repeated contact to unwanted gifts), but the goal remains the same, to make you feel vulnerable. Stalking is a pattern of behavior that makes you feel nervous and susceptible to attack. People joke about “ google stalking” their potential partners all the time but stalking is no laughing matter. Written by Writer’s Corps member Carrie Manner